Forty, Thrifty, and Thriving

If you’ve seen the show, you know that my family and I value sustainability. We’re constantly  antiquing (stay tuned for a list of my favourite antique finds), Upcycling, and re-inventing old  pieces in our designs. My interest in sustainability initially stemmed from the creative  satisfaction I found in incorporating unique, family relics in the farmhouses I worked on. But  since, it’s evolved into a full-on lifestyle. For the obvious reasons (climate change, etc), and  also for the unexpected benefits I’ve discovered since adopting it as a way of life.  

First of all, FOOD. Eating healthy has always been a priority for my kiddos and I. Especially with  younger ones, it’s important that I don’t sacrifice deliciousness just for nutrients. I have a  BUNCH of recipes that I’m excited to share with you guys in the near future, but the main thing  I focus on in the kitchen is working with organic produce. Growing up on the farm, I learned to  value home-grown products. Farmers markets are my best friend, and honestly, the taste of an  organic carrot is just incredibly superior to the kind you’ll find in the supermarket. My kids  actually enjoy vegetables now since we’ve made the change to organic. Unheard of, right?! My  husband and I do a lot of meal planning, so we can reduce our waste at the end of the week.  Do yourself a favour and grab a multi-pack of coloured highlighters, pour a cup of coffee, sit  down and make a list. It’s weirdly meditative and will change your food-planning life. Planning  in advance saves time, money, and food. Oh, and my sanity. Usually.  

Sustainability extends outside of the kitchen too, of course. Using natural cleaning products is  super important to me. As soon as I had my first boy and realized children put literally  everything in their mouths, so I became hyper aware of the products I use in my home. My  instagram algorithm right now is basically pretty throw pillows, food, and reels of natural  cleaning hacks. The amount of stuff you can do with vodka has blown my mind. Grab your less  than favourite vodka and dilute it with water, and watch stains on your kids clothes disappear.  It’s two parts water to one part vodka. Pour into a spray bottle. Spritz the mixture on to your  clothes. This helps to remove odours, almost instantly the vodka kills any bacteria. It dries  odourless, you won’t smell like you’ve just had a wild night out. I promise. Next step: make a  martini, and call it a night! ;) 

But seriously, you’ll save a lot of water if you spot clean your clothes, as opposed to doing a  full load of laundry. And with the amount of offspring I have, there are plenty of loads as it is. It  eases wear and tear on clothes as well, so they’ll last significantly longer; which bodes well for  hand me down vitality. With a family as large as mine, hand me downs are kind of a big thing  for us. My boys are constantly growing, and trading clothes. And my girl is always raiding my  closet. Brooklyn and I actually have very similar taste, and cannot resist a good thrift store. I  dare you to pass a Value Village with us and try to prevent us from going in! It’s a super fun  bonding experience to find a vintage belt with your teenage daughter then fight about who gets  to wear it. We’ve purchased so many quality items, and visited a seamstress to fit them  properly.  

The boys like it too, but more for toys. SO, we now own all of the original Ghostbusters and  He-Man figures. 

Whether you’re re-booting your wardrobe or your living space, I TRULY believe in recycling  your style. Sites like Facebook Marketplace are excellent too, if you’re unable to visit a thrift  store in person. Repurposing items in my home, and the homes of my clients is such a joy, and  I genuinely recommend everyone try it.  

Adopting a sustainable lifestyle is a process, and no one is perfect. But hey, even if you choose  a metal straw over plastic, if you use a fabric grocery bag, or a tea-towel over a paper towel, or  even shop locally, you’re making a little difference. 

And in my opinion, you’re thriving.

Carolyn xo

Meredith Wolf

Award Winning Branding and Website Design Studio

Hostess with the Mostess (And a mild touch of Neurosis)


Expiry Dates, My Alter Ego, and Why I Need a Vacation from my Vacation